our guides’ profile

Lydia Susiyanti

  • Community Activator/Animator, Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 643

  • Ad-hoc Canteen Operator

  • Business owner, ‘Aely Bridal & Events’ Bridal Boutique 

  • Business owner, online baby clothes business

“I may not have money to give to others, but I can contribute my time and energy.”

Lydia is married, a mother of five children and has lived in Ang Mo Kio since 2014. She has been volunteering with Allkin Singapore since 2019. She began her volunteering journey by baking cookies during Deepavali for the residents, and eventually became a volunteer I/C overseeing her own and surrounding residential blocks. From distributing rations to being a voice for the residents, Lydia is a friendly face that neighbours are very familiar with. Lydia has recently taken up a role as a Community Activator/Animator at Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 643, and is looking forward to planning new initiatives for the community. 

Her enterprising spirit motivates her to take on multiple roles and jobs. She is an ad-hoc canteen operator at a Muslim food stall in a primary school close to her block. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur and business owner of ‘Aely Bridal & Events’ Bridal Boutique after finding her niche in styling wedding outfits and accessories for Muslim clients. After learning that her friend was about to shut down her online baby clothes business, she decided to take over the business to help with clearing the existing stocks. Lydia's strong learning drive and innate curiousity has also motivated her to diversify her interests and skills. When she is not occupied with her various roles,  Lydia practises conversational Japanese, learns to breed guppies in her home, and explores her community with her family to learn more about its history and culture.

(All our Community Guides have given their consent for their personal stories to be shared.
We extend our sincere gratitude to our Guides for openly sharing their stories with us!)

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