As Resilience Trails gradually transitions from its pilot run to being Skillseed’s flagship programme, we are excited to expand our breadth of trails and onboard new guides. Meet Alex, who recently joined our team as a Community Guide. As a regular volunteer at Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414, a Community Hub managed by Alkin Singapore (formerly known as AMKFSC Community Services), Alex is passionate about contributing to the community and sharing his strengths with other members there. Join us along our journey of co-creation as we onboard Alex and welcome him as Skillseed’s newest Community Guide.

Here at Skillseed, each of our Community Guides is placed at the forefront of everything we do. Every trail is customised and designed specially for each guide, who we believe has their own unique stories and lived experiences. When we first met Alex, we were curious to know more about who he is as a person, his values, interests, gifts and passions. Understanding our guides and cultivating a relationship with them is at the heart of what we do, and we hope to be able to portray their most authentic stories through our trails. 

Asset mapping is one of the frameworks we used to distil insights from Alex. By asking him about the gifts of his Head, Heart, Hand (3H), we were able to learn more about the things he is passionate about and the skills he has. Alex shared enthusiastically about his love for walking, which led him to discover new parts of his neighbourhood. In addition, his passion for connecting with others led him to volunteer at Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414, a place for all residents of Ang Mo Kio to meet and bond. These are valuable strengths that we want to weave into our trails and showcase the assets of our guides. It is this journey of co-creation that makes our Resilience Trails a unique learning trail where we empower our guides and celebrate their stories. 

During our second co-creation session, Alex brought us to places in the neighbourhood he frequents and shared stories about them. From the photo gallery near Allkin Community @ Ang Mo Kio 414, where Alex’s photo is showcased, to the shop owners at the nearby market who have become friends with Alex, we are now able to step into his world and catch a glimpse of Ang Mo Kio through his eyes. While these pit stops might be a humble vegetable shop or a medicinal hall, spaces we may overlook or take for granted, Alex’s own personal stories at each of these locations reveal the sense of rootedness he has to the community. They have become places of memories and stories, anchoring him in the neighbourhood. 

Captures from our second onboarding session with Alex

Based on the stories Alex shared with us, our team took down these notes and synthesised the information to plan out a trail route. This process took some time, as we needed to decide which places were significant to Alex and what information he could share at each location to frame a narrative arc. We wanted to feature places that Alex has a personal connection with, which would allow him to share openly and retrospectively. Besides, the trail needs to be cohesive to ensure an appropriate distance between checkpoints and a comfortable pace for all participants. With all this in mind, our team developed a draft script and trail route.

To test the script and route with Alex, we organised an internal trial session with the rest of our team. This would also serve to build Alex’s confidence as he takes on the role as a Community Guide. For some of our guides, this simulation could be the first chance for them to practise speaking in front of an audience and sharing their stories. Our team members also helped to note down what we enjoyed about the trail and what areas could be improved. We were glad that the internal trail went smoothly and it was heartening to see Alex gain confidence along the way as he took ownership of his stories and shared them with the team. 

Photos from our internal trial session with Alex

With the conclusion of the internal trial, our team took the opportunity to discuss possible improvements of the route and script, and also checked in with Alex about how he felt during the simulation. After finalising our route and script, we are now ready to introduce Alex as our newest guide on our team of Community Guides! We can’t wait for him to host our next Resilience Trail. 

Ultimately, Skillseed’s Resilience Trails are intentionally designed to be dignified, co-owned and asset-based. Through frameworks like the 3H model and Asset-based Community Development (ABCD), we hope to be able to showcase the gifts, assets and resilience of these individuals regardless of their backgrounds. As we continue to welcome our new community guides onboard, we endeavour to continue shedding light on their unique stories and perspectives. 

If you are keen on experiencing one of our Resilience Trails, contact us at to arrange a trail with us for your organisation / team!
